����� |  |
Rohs | Contains lead / RoHS non-compliant |
����װ | 1.152 |
Connector �� | USB - A |
һЩ�Ӵ� | 4 |
�Ա� | Receptacle |
��� | - |
��װ���� | Through Hole. Right Angle. Horizontal |
�ص� | - |
��װ���� | Bulk |
��ڱ��� | - |
���� | USB |
�Ա� | RCP |
�˽ӷ�ʽ | Solder |
��װ | Through Hole |
�����ϵ�ȡ�� | Right Angle |
����װ | Bulk |
��Ʒ���� | USB Connectors |
RoHS | No |
��Ʒ | USB Type A Connectors |
�� | USB |
�˿��� | 1 |
�/������ | 4 |
��װ��� | Through Hole |
�˽����� | Solder |
���������� | USB Type A Receptacle |
��ɫ | Black |
������� | Copper Alloy |
������ | Gold |
��Ե���� | 1000 MOhms |
��װ��ʽ | Right |
�����¶ȷ�Χ | - 55 C to + 85 C |
������װ���� | 1152 |
���� | Obsolete |
PCB��ȣ����ף� �� �� | 1.57 [0.062] |
ʰȡ�ͷ��ø� | Without |
װ��λ�� | Top |
�Ӵ��������� | Through Hole |
��� | 4 |
RoHSELV�Ϲ��� | ELV compliant. 5 of 6 Compliant |
Lead Free Solder Processes | Not suitable for lead free processing |
β���ȣ����ף� | 2.85 [0.112] |
�����ɫ | Natural |
��ǵ�� | Bright Tin or Bright Tin over Nickel |
Ҫ��ֹ | Printed Circuit Board |
��װ��ʽ | Tray |
�������� | Without |
�����S �� | Without |
��������Ʋ���� | Gold or Gold Flash over Palladium Nickel |
PCB�������ķ��� | Kinked Legs |
��λ | Right Angle |
ϵ�� | A |
���ӵ� | Without |
��������Ʋ��� | 30 Microinches |
�ߴ� | Standard |
��װ���� | Through Hole. Right Angle. Horizontal |
��װ | Bulk |
������ | 4 |
RoHSָ�� | Contains lead / RoHS non-compliant |