深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍下围园路口文浩商务大厦A座405室 Tel: 0755-23316215
����� | ![]() ![]() 1734366 |
�ĵ� | USB 2.0. 3.0 Design Considerations 1734366-2 Statement of Compliance RoHS 2 Statement 1734366-2.pdf |
Rohs | Lead free / RoHS Compliant |
RoHS��Ϣ | 1734366-2 Statement of Compliance |
��άģ�� | 1734366-2.pdf |
����װ | 4.800 |
Connector �� | USB - A |
һЩ�Ӵ� | 4 |
�Ա� | Receptacle |
��� | USB 2.0 |
��װ���� | Through Hole. Vertical |
�ص� | Board Lock |
��װ���� | Tray |
��ڱ��� | - |
���� | USB |
�Ա� | RCP |
�˽ӷ�ʽ | Solder |
��װ | Through Hole |
�����ϵ�ȡ�� | Straight |
����װ | Bulk |
��Ʒ���� | USB Connectors |
RoHS | RoHS Compliant |
��Ʒ | USB Type A Connectors |
�� | USB 2.0 |
�˿��� | 1 |
�/������ | 4 |
��װ��� | Through Hole |
�˽����� | Solder |
���������� | USB Type A Receptacle |
��ɫ | White |
������� | Phosphor Bronze |
������ | Gold |
��װ��ʽ | Vertical |
������װ���� | 24 |
��װ | Tray |
��Ʒ���� | 14.5 |
ŷ��RoHSָ�� | Compliant |
��Ʒ��� | 7.12 |
��Ʒ�߶� | 15 |
��Dz��� | Thermoplastic |
������ | 4 |
������ | 4 |
ʰȡ�ͷ��ø� | Without |
װ��λ�� | Top |
�Ӵ��������� | Through Hole |
��� | 4 |
β���ȣ����ף� �� �� | 2.8 [0.11] |
RoHSELV�Ϲ��� | RoHS compliant. ELV compliant |
Lead Free Solder Processes | Wave solder capable to 240?��C |
�����ɫ | White |
TID��� | 63000449 |
��ǵ�� | Bright Tin |
Ҫ��ֹ | Printed Circuit Board |
��װ��ʽ | Tray |
�������� | Without |
�����S �� | Without |
��������Ʋ���� | Gold |
PCB�������ķ��� | Kinked Legs |
��λ | Vertical |
ϵ�� | A |
���ӵ� | Without |
��������Ʋ��� | 30 Microinches |
RoHSELV���ϼ�¼ | Always was RoHS compliant |
�ߴ� | Standard |
��Ʒ�ص� | Board Lock |
��װ���� | Through Hole. Vertical |
��Ʒ��� | USB 2.0 |
RoHSָ�� | Lead free / RoHS Compliant |
��Ʒ���ȣ�mm �� | 14.5 mm |
��Ʒ��ȣ����ף� | 7.12 mm |
��Ʒ�߶ȣ�mm �� | 15 mm |
�ĵ� USB 2.0. 3.0 Design Considerations
1734366-2 Statement of Compliance
RoHS 2 Statement
Rohs Lead free / RoHS Compliant RoHS��Ϣ 1734366-2 Statement of Compliance ��άģ�� 1734366-2.pdf ����װ 4.800 Connector �� USB - A һЩ�Ӵ� 4 �Ա� Receptacle ��� USB 2.0 ��װ���� Through Hole. Vertical �ص� Board Lock ��װ���� Tray ��ڱ��� - ���� USB �Ա� RCP �˽ӷ�ʽ Solder ��װ Through Hole �����ϵ�ȡ�� Straight ����װ Bulk ��Ʒ���� USB Connectors RoHS RoHS Compliant ��Ʒ USB Type A Connectors �� USB 2.0 �˿��� 1 λ��/������ 4 ��װ��� Through Hole �˽����� Solder ���������� USB Type A Receptacle ��ɫ White ������� Phosphor Bronze ������ Gold ��װ��ʽ Vertical ������װ���� 24 ��װ Tray ��Ʒ���� 14.5 ŷ��RoHSָ�� Compliant ��Ʒ��� 7.12 ��Ʒ�߶� 15 ��Dz��� Thermoplastic ������ 4 ������ 4 ʰȡ�ͷ��ø� Without װ��λ�� Top �Ӵ��������� Through Hole λ���� 4 β���ȣ����ף� �� �� 2.8 [0.11] RoHSELV�Ϲ��� RoHS compliant. ELV compliant Lead Free Solder Processes Wave solder capable to 240?��C �����ɫ White TID��� 63000449 ��ǵ�� Bright Tin Ҫ��ֹ Printed Circuit Board ��װ��ʽ Tray �������� Without ��λ����S �� Without ��������Ʋ���� Gold PCB�������ķ��� Kinked Legs ��λ Vertical ϵ�� A ���ӵ� Without ��������Ʋ��� 30 Microinches RoHSELV���ϼ�¼ Always was RoHS compliant �ߴ� Standard ��Ʒ�ص� Board Lock ��װ���� Through Hole. Vertical ��Ʒ��� USB 2.0 RoHSָ�� Lead free / RoHS Compliant ��Ʒ���ȣ�mm �� 14.5 mm ��Ʒ��ȣ����ף� 7.12 mm ��Ʒ�߶ȣ�mm �� 15 mm