深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍下围园路口文浩商务大厦A座405室 Tel: 0755-23316215
MUSBD111xx Drawing
Rohs Lead free / RoHS Compliant ����װ 60 Connector �� USB - B һЩ�Ӵ� 4 �Ա� Receptacle ��� - ��װ���� Panel Mount; Through Hole. Right Angle �ص� Cap (Cover) ��װ���� Bulk ��ڱ��� IP67 - Dust Tight. Waterproof ��Ʒ���� USB Connectors RoHS RoHS Compliant ��Ʒ USB Type B Connectors �� USB �˿��� 1 λ��/������ 4 �Ա� Female ����� 1.5 A ��װ��� Through Hole �˽����� Solder Tail ���������� USB Type B Receptacle with gray dust cover ��ɫ Black ������� Phosphor Bronze ������ Gold ��Ʒ�ص� Gray dust cover ��Ե���� 1000 MOhms ��Ե����ɫ Black ��װ��ʽ Right �����¶ȷ�Χ - 40 C to + 105 C ��װ Bulk ������װ���� 60 ���ѹ 100 VDC �����ȼ� IP67 - Dust Tight. Waterproof ��װ���� Panel Mount; Through Hole. Right Angle ��Ʒ��� USB 2.0 ����װ 60 ������ 4 �������� MUSBD11131 RoHSָ�� Lead free / RoHS Compliant ϵ�� MUSB