深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍下围园路口文浩商务大厦A座405室 Tel: 0755-23316215
�ĵ� 1-647401-6 Statement of Compliance
RoHS 2 Statement
Rohs Lead free / RoHS Compliant RoHS��Ϣ 1-647401-6 Statement of Compliance ��άģ�� 1-647401-6.pdf ����װ 1.000 Connector �� Receptacle Contact �� Female Socket λ���� 16 �� 0.156 (3.96mm) ���� 1 �м�� - ��װ���� Free Hanging (In-Line) �Ӵ���ֹ Crimp Fastening �� Locking Ramp ��ɫ Natural �ص� - ��װ���� Bulk ע�� Contacts Not Provided ���� Housing ��� 3.96 mm ������ 16 ���� 1 �Ա� RCP �߾���� 18-24 AWG �����ϵ�ȡ�� Straight ����װ Bulk ��Dz��� Nylon ��Ե�⾶�ߴ� Large ����������������� Locking Ramp λ���� 16 RoHSELV�Ϲ��� RoHS compliant. ELV compliant Lead Free Solder Processes Not relevant for lead free process Ʒ�� AMP �����ɫ White ��Ʒ���� SL-156 Housings ���߾�Եֱ�������ף� 2.84 [0.112] Cable Exit Angle 180?�� �ĵ�ʽ���� Without �������ȼ� UL 94V-0 ��ϵ������ࣨ���ף� 3.96 [0.156] ���߷�ʽ Crimp ������ Receptacle ��װ�� Without ���� No ��帽�� Without ������� With RoHSELV���ϼ�¼ Always was RoHS compliant ���伫�� Without ��װ Bulk ��װ���� Free Hanging (In-Line) ��ɫ Natural ���������� Receptacle ע Contacts Not Provided ������ Locking Ramp �������� Female Socket �Ӵ����� Crimp RoHSָ�� Lead free / RoHS Compliant ��ȼ�Եȼ� UL 94 V-0 ϵ�� SL-156 �˽����� Crimp ��ϵ���Ա� Socket (Female) Ӧ�� Wire-to-Board λ��/������ 16 �������� Locking Ramp RoHS RoHS Compliant ��ϵ��ʽ���� 1 ��Ʒ���ȣ�mm �� 16.76 mm ��Ʒ��ȣ����ף� 7.27 mm ��ࣨmm�� 3.96 mm �����¶ȷ�Χ -55C to 105C ����������ֵ�� 10/Contact A �߹� 18-24 AWG ��Ʒ�߶ȣ�mm �� 7.27 mm ���ѹ��� 250VAC